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types of wool

  1. Is Merino wool expensive than Cashmere?

    Is Merino wool expensive than Cashmere?

    January 20th, 2023

    Both Merino and Cashmere are warm, soft and comfy, and make their wearers quite stylish. There are, however, a large number of differences between them, which separate the Cashmere class apart

  2. What yarn is similar to Cashmere?

    What yarn is similar to Cashmere?

    September 6th, 2022

    Wool and animal hair are two different things. Cashmere is animal hair, but which category is similar to its supreme grace?

  3. Types of Wool | Know what you are wearing

    Types of Wool | Know what you are wearing

    June 13th, 2021

    Its winter time and you need to cozy up in warm wool wraps and scarves. But do you know what wool you are wearing?

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