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How to wear a Cashmere scarf in western style?

September 29th, 2023 | 45 views
How to wear a Cashmere scarf in western style?

Pashmina is the Art of crafting of finest Cashmere. Using Pashmina accessories to incorporate into your daily life feels more luxurious. We have made this easy for you to choose your attire and bestow upon it with the Cashmere Scarf. Thus, beauty will engulf every dime of luxury to profuse in your overall look.

Procuring finest Cashmere

changra goat
Himalayan Cashmere goat

It all begins in the Changthangi mountain of the Ladakh region. The temperature goes to the minimum in this region. A rare breed of goats dwell in the region. These goats are called Changra goats. They are also called Cashmere Goats. The goats develop a pelage of wool in the winter season to combat the harsh weather. Thereafter, in summer they shed off the wool to get the air. The wool is manually combed out by the herders of the Changpa tribe. The Changpa tribe mainly raises these medium-sized Changra goats with two twisted horns. Also, they mainly raise them for wool production. Thus, the wool is called the finest Cashmere wool.

Crafting of the finest Cashmere Scarf

Although there are several breeds of goats all over the world that produce Cashmere. But the finest Cashmere is produced by the Ladakhi Changra goats. In order to curate the fine accessories from the fine Cashmere wool, the tufts of wool are taken to the Kashmir Valley. After the tufts of wool reach the valley of Kashmir, the supremely premium Art of Pashmina is commenced. It is a stepwise procedure of curating the fine Cashmere accessories.

The foremost step is the cleaning of the Cashmere wool. There is a thorough cleaning of the wool to get all sorts of dirt out. After the process of cleaning, the next step is the process of Spinning. It begins by giving the local women the Cashmere wool to spin it fine Cashmere yarn. The womenfolk of the valley mainly spin the Cashmere wool. The process is done on the wooden wheel/ charkha called yinder in the local language. Thus, the women artisans meticulously spin the Cashmere wool to the miraculously fine Cashmere yarn.

Weaving and Designing of Cashmere Scarf

Artisan weaving Pashmina on wooden handloom

The spun Cashmere yarn is taken to the local workshops/karkhanas to move ahead in the Pashmina Art. The next process is the weaving process. The weaving is the transformation of Cashmere yarn to the fine Cashmere fabric. The intricate warps and wefts create the beautiful woven Cashmere fabric. Therefore, the most common pattern in weave is chashm_e_bulbul or the diamond weave. The weave is exclusively the masterpiece in itself. The eloquently woven Cashmere fabric goes on to further design.

The diverse designs, patterns, weaves, and embroideries are further done on the Cashmere. The premium Pashmina Art steps ahead with the most explicit and intricate designs. It is to be noted that all the steps in the Art of Pashmina are manually done by the artisans of Kashmir. Thus, the distinct designs cater to the diversity of people and the fashion world.

A saint from Persia brought Pashmina

A sage from the Middle East, Mir Syed Ali Shah Hamdani started his journey with 700 craftsmen towards Kashmir. On his journey to Kashmir, he encountered the rare goats of Ladakh. He was enthralled by the fine wool on their bodies. He combed some out of them and made socks. The fine socks were warm and Pure. He gifted them to the ruler of Kashmir, Zain-ul-Abideen. In addition, he suggested making a local industry to curate the fine wool. His 700 craftsmen taught the people of Kashmir several skills. These skills proved to be the main requisite for curating the finest Cashmere. Thus, the art of Pashmina came into existence. The high skill prevails in the valley till now. It has been incorporated into the heritage of Kashmir Valley. 

Ways to make a Pashmina Scarf /Cashmere Scarf as vest

We have gathered some ways to profoundly turn a Cashmere Scarf into a vest. All the looks truly amaze the fashion sense with vivid luxurious beauty.

1. Classy Shrug

Fold your Cashmere scarf in half. Then, tie one folded corner with one end corner. Just use your arms to adjust where it should rest. This look goes amazing with every season and thus completes your look with classic beauty and luxury.

2. The Bond of Two

Take two of your Cashmere scarves. Then, tie two ends together and drape them around your neck. Lastly, tie the front corners together and the same goes with the back. This look completely makes your attire prolific.

3. The Hobo style

Simply drape your one Cashmere Scarf around your shoulders and tie it by making a belt with the second of your Cashmere Scarf. This enhances your look for every occasion. You can pop up your look by using a red lipstick and a hat on your head.

4. The Racerback lunge

Open your Cashmere scarf so it's horizontally stretched in front of you and hold both of the top corners of the Cashmere Scarf. Then, whirl the scarf corners together so the Cashmere Scarf is folded in half. Then simply, tie the knot and slide each arm through the holds. Pull the Cashmere scarf in a way that the knot tied is near the back of your neck. Thus, the look fulfills the adventurous look for your attires and befits your variety of fashion.


Endless supreme collection of Pashmina

Pashmina wrap
The luxurious collection of Pashmina Art is directly taken from the laps of artisans

We, at pashmina.com, cater to several styles of Pashmina Art. We confer to the rare breed of Changra goats from Ladakh. Thus, presenting the finest Cashmere wool to the Kashmir valley. The valley bestows its creativity in the form of Pashmina Art. Hence, creating a huge collection of Cashmere accessories. The luxurious collection of Pashmina Art is directly taken from the laps of artisans. Also, the artisans work day and night to revive the Pashmina Art and to earn a livelihood.


We, Pashmina.com, are the largest curators of pure and handcrafted Pashmina products in the online space. We are on a mission to revive this dying art by spreading our wings throughout the world by way of our online platform. Our website serves as a window to our range of products that are luxurious and have the highest quality. We offer the widest range, certified quality, luxurious packaging and free shipping to over 150 countries.

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